Please find below Karl McCartney MP’s response to HM Chief Inspector of Prisons’ Report, published today, on the announced inspection of HMP Lincoln between 11 and 22 November:
“I am grateful to HM Inspectorate of Prisons for their Report on HMP Lincoln in my Constituency.
“It is very pleasing that the Inspectorate are really encouraged by the findings of this inspection and that there have been improvements across the board, affecting most aspects of the Prison’s work. Accordingly, the Report finds, the Prison is now a safer and cleaner place with good levels of staff supervision around the prison wings.
“These improvements are a great credit to the Prison Governor, Peter Wright, his management team and Prison Officers, who I know have worked extremely hard - and will work hard in the future - to continue to make improvements across the board.
“Clearly, there are still areas that need to be addressed further - including in relation to safety and the condition of the first night wing. Nonetheless, all of us in our City and County who campaigned so hard to keep HMP Lincoln open - a Prison that employs over 500 people and generates nearly £11 million for the Lincolnshire economy - will be very much heartened by this Report.”