Sunday, 18th August 2019
2PM - 4PM
The Lincoln CWO under the Chairmanship of Mrs. Doreen Ashton &The Market Rasen Branch of Gainsborough Conservatives
would warmly like to invite you to attend their joint event,
an ‘At Home’ Garden Tea Party on Sunday, August 18th, 2019.
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Entry £15.00 per person
(Monies raised will be apportioned as per attendees)
Do come along and try various teas and scones with a selection of jams and cream.
This event is not weather dependent and even if a ‘typical’ English Summer’s day we can also accommodate people inside.
Please RSVP and confirm your attendance to:
Mrs. Doreen Ashton on 01522 526762
Cllr. Cordelia McCartney by email: [email protected]
Payment by cheque or cash, plus:
Raffles, Tombolas, Cake and Book stalls.