Tonight at the City Council's Full Council meeting, members of the Conservative Group will be asking the following questions to Executive Members:
- Cllr David Clarkson - “Can the executive member provide an update on the Secretary of State’s review of the requested “call - in” of the Western Growth Corridor application?”
- Cllr Thomas Dyer - “Can the executive member please provide an update on the recent closure of Yarborough leisure centre?”
- Cllr Eddie Strengiel - “Can the executive member please update council with when he expects construction for the Western Growth Corridor to commence?”
- Cllr Bill Mara - “Can the executive member commit to the entire Western Growth Corridor development adhering to the full environmental standards in the emerging local plan?”
- Cllr Mark Storer - “After the success of the livestream at the recent planning committee, will the leader commit to bringing the City Council into the 21st Century and live-streaming all meetings?”
- Cllr Christopher Reid - “Can the executive member update Council on the current situation with regards to car parking revenue, following the Christmas period?”
- Cllr Hilton Spratt - “Can the portfolio holder provide the council with an explanation as to how we monitor the performance of our contractors, such as Biffa?”
- Cllr Alan Briggs - “Can the member give some detail as to what steps are being taken to proactively tackle fly tipping, outside of Park Ward?”
- Cllr Matthew Fido - “What would be the cost saving to the taxpayer should the City Council have 1 election every 4 years, like all other councils in Lincolnshire?”